The Most effective Tips And Reasons
How to lose weight is one of the most pressing health questions for many peopleSure, you can lose weight quickly. But it's best to lose weight slowly. And many experts say you can do that without going on a "diet."
You should lose weight for the following reasons
Main reason - Obesity is epidemic
How to lose weight? - is the most pressing health question |
Health experts around the world now see obesity as an epidemic.
Every year, at least 2.8 million people die due complications related to excess weight.
People who are overweight or obese. Losing weight for them can reduce health risks, increase fitness, and delay the onset of diabetes. It can reduce pain and increase agitation in people with knee arthritis.
The health risks of excess weight include:
- Type 2 Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- Heart Disease
- Stroke
- Cancer
- Sleep Apnea
- Osteoarthritis
- Fatty Liver Disease
- Kidney Disease
- Pregnancy Problems
Here are some other reasons to lose weight
Appearance :- People may feel that if they lose weight, they will look more attractive, fitter, or healthier.
Confidence and body image :- People with excess weight or obesity may feel uncomfortable about their appearance.
Overall health :- Maintaining an appropriate weight can help to boost overall health and prevent diseases such as type 2 diabetes.
Specific conditions :- Symptoms of sleep apnea or type 2 diabetes, for example, may improve or go away when a person loses excess weight.
Fitness :- A weight-loss program that involves exercise can leave a person feeling fitter, with more energy and stamina.
Sports competitions :- In some sports, such as boxing, an individual may seek to control their weight so that they can stay in their existing weight category.
Fertility :- Fertility treatment appears to be more effective in women with obesity and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) if they lose some weight before treatment.
Weight Loss Tips
The most effective and easy ways to lose weight are given below
1. Diet tips
Eat slowly and chew your food well. This helps you feel satisfied with less food.
Don't skip breakfast :- Skipping breakfast won't help you lose weight. You could miss out on essential nutrients and you may end up snacking more throughout the day because you feel hungry.
Eat regular meals :- Eating at regular times during the day helps burn calories at a faster rate. It also reduces the temptation to snack on foods high in fat and sugar.
Eat plenty of fruit and veg :- Fruit and veg are low in calories and fat, and high in fibre – 3 essential ingredients for successful weight loss. They also contain plenty of vitamins and minerals.
Get more active :- Being active is key to losing weight and keeping it off. As well as providing numerous health benefits, exercise can help burn off the excess calories you can't cut through diet alone.
Drink plenty of water :- People sometimes confuse thirst with hunger. You can end up consuming extra calories when a glass of water is really what you need.
Eat high-fibre foods :- Foods containing lots of fibre can help keep you to feel full, which is perfect for losing weight. Fibre is only found in food from plants, such as fruit and veg, oats, wholegrain bread, brown rice and pasta, and beans, peas and lentils.
Use a smaller plate :- Using smaller plates can help you eat smaller portions. By using smaller plates and bowls, you may be able to gradually get used to eating smaller portions without going hungry. It takes about 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain it's full, so eat slowly and stop eating before you feel full.
Don't stock junk food :- To avoid temptation, try to not stock junk food – such as chocolate, biscuits, crisps and sweet fizzy drinks – at home. Instead, opt for healthy snacks, such as fruit, unsalted rice cakes, oat cakes, unsalted or unsweetened popcorn, and fruit juice.
Plan your meals :- Try to plan your breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for the week, making sure you stick to your calorie allowance. You may find it helpful to make a weekly shopping list.
2. Daily calorie requirements
The number of calories a person needs depends on their age, gender, and level of daily activity.
The number of calories per day you should consume to lose weight depends on several factors, including your sex, how much you want to lose, how quickly you want to lose it, and your age.
Below are the daily calorie requirements for men and women:
Daily recommended calorie consumption for males:
Age 19-20
Sedentary: 2,600
Moderately active: 2,800
Active: 3,000
Age 21-30
Sedentary: 2,400
Moderately active: 2,600-2,800
Active: 3,000
Age 31-50
Sedentary: 2,200-2,400
Moderately active: 2,400-2,600
Active: 2,800-3,000
Age 51+
Sedentary: 2,000-2200
Moderately active: 2,200-2,400
Active: 2,400-2,800
Daily recommended calorie consumption for females:
Age 19 to 30 years
Sedentary: 1,800 to 2,000
Moderately active: 2,000 to 2,200
Active: 2,400
Age 31-50 years
Sedentary: 1,800
moderately active: 2,400-2,600
Active: 2,200
Age 51+ years
Sedentary: 1,600
Moderately active: 1,800
Active: 2000 to 2,200
If you want to lose weight, you would have to consume less than the amounts listed above. The less you consume, the faster you lose. However, it is important to follow a healthy, well-balanced diet so that you do not become ill, or lose lean tissue (muscle).
In some regimes, dieters consume 1,200 calories per day if they are female and 1,500 if they are male. However, do not try to do this yourself without the supervision of a trained expert.
You need to make sure your carbohydrate, protein, and fat ratio is right for good health. Recommendations for carbohydrate intake vary, from 20 to 60 percent for losing weight.
A poor diet and malnutrition can occur regardless of calories. A meal plan should be balanced in terms of nutrients, too. A poor diet can lead not only to malnutrition, but also a low mood and loss of motivation. This can cause to dieters drop out before reaching their target weight.
When dieters have reached their target body weight, they should gradually increase their daily intake until they reach their "weight maintenance" figure.
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